

Capital City School is providing our students with all the additional support they may need to enjoy a rewarding educational experience.

Smart Board Technology

Capital City School utilizes Smartboard Technology 

Capital City School is providing our students with all the additional support they may need to enjoy a rewarding educational experience.

Smart Board Technology

Capital City School utilizes Smartboard Technology 

This technology allows teachers to control the flow of discussions in a more flexible way than manipulating a projector. However, smartboards are still calibrated to a computer and a projector. The projector is used to display the computer’s screen on the whiteboard. The smartboard takes it a step further as it acts as an interactive touch screen monitor for the computer. This enables teachers and students to click buttons, highlight text, as well as drag and drop items. Smartboards also allow for technology integration. Aside from computers, teachers can connect the technology to cameras, microscopes, gadgets, and anything else that could stimulate discussion in the daily classroom activities.

Smartboards are interactive boards that can enhance the curriculum by turning a typical lesson into a fun and more engaging activity.

Smartboard Technology not only makes discussions easier for teachers, it also enhances a student’s learning experience. Research has manifested that fully-engaged students are those that learn best. The interactive feature of this technology allows students to write, draw, or take notes.

It projects visual elements that can accommodate various learning styles. Visual learners are stimulated through the graphic projections, while tactile learners can learn through the sense of touch.

Smartboards also offer easy access to online resources. It can be calibrated so all students can view websites, videos, graphics, among others, through a computer application. Databases are also made available for teachers to enrich the curriculum.

With smartboard technology, education is made enjoyable in a touch of a finger.


Family Resources


We are so glad we are starting to return back to in person learning.  Below is a link that has a lot of resources for your family from, “125 things to do with kids during quarantine” and yoga for your and student(s), little ideas so ask yourself through these things or asking your student, working from home strategies and projects to do and SO MUCH more. Please take them time to look at this site and see if there is even one thing that will help you or that you will enjoy and we hope to see you all soon.