Layout Options

Layout Options
within standard templates


When you're using a standard template such as "1 column w/ pods right," you'll have the option to set various layout options. 

When you’re using a standard template such as “1 column w/ pods right,” you’ll have the option to set various layout options. 

Overview accordions

Set accordions in Overviews, site and system admins can open the Template & Layout options in the bottom right hand of the screen. Set accordions for either H3s or H4s. 


By default, posts will be sorted by post date (most recent on top). You can always sort posts manually by turning on Show Content Zones in the bottom right of the screen, hovering over the post zone, and clicking “reorder.” Or you can set your sorting preference in Template & Layout Options below.


This term is set to display tabs by title. You can also set tabs to display by post type, subtitle, related profile, date (year), and date (month, year). Tabs are a great way to condense content so that a site visitor isn’t overwhelmed.

Accordions, Tabs, & Tables


Display settings help you display content differently. Most special display features won’t appear post teasers, however, so you need to click through on the post to learn more. You can even override the normal “Read more” to display something more descriptive.

File attachments
A wide variety of them


You can easily embed files with the body content of the post like this: Word document (.doc). To do this, upload files into the file attachment field below, then copy and paste the file number into the body content. The file will appear with the appropriate icon where ever you place it in the body content: Powerpoint presentation (.ppt).